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A shredding diet is a dietary regime used to minimize fat and accentuate muscles. Such a meal plan can be tricky to devise, but we’re here to help. The focus must be on protein, whole grains and healthy fats, and the whole diet shouldn’t last more than 30 days. Before we go any deeper, let’s check out a few crucial rules and tips to consider.
Protein is essential
Every meal you ingest during 30 days must revolve strictly around protein. You must consume at least 1 gram per pound of your body weight daily. If you fail to do so, loss of muscle mass is inevitable. Aim for lean sources of protein like fish, eggs, poultry, and lean red meat. Also, include a protein supplement of your choice.
Recognize the importance of sleep
Numerous studies throughout the years connected lack of sleep with weight gain. Not getting enough sleep might result in excessive production of the appetite-stimulating hormone, which in the end can affect your weight. To stay on the safe side, during this period you must obtain at least 7 hours of sleep.
Implement more healthy fats
While this might seem counterintuitive, implementing more healthy fats into your diet might actually help you lose weight. Certain foods like coconut oil, olive oil, or fatty fish are associated with a lower risk of weight gain. That is primarily because healthy fats are essential for the proper functioning of the human body. However, while they should be an unavoidable part of your shredding diet, you should still consume them in moderation.
Don’t forget to hydrate
Proper hydration is essential when training and dieting are in question. On the other side, you must strictly avoid alcohol, soft drinks, and caloric coffee. Water is the best drink there is, however, if you need something else to satisfy your thirst, go for green tea as it’s been proven to stimulate weight loss. When it comes to coffee, only unsweetened black coffee is allowed. Since sleep is one of the priorities, make sure you consume it in moderation.
Prioritize cardio
While cardio shouldn’t be on top of your priority list, it should receive more attention during the shredding diet period. It has been proven to burn fat and expose lean muscle, and you should take full advantage of it. If you’re tired of the treadmill, or stationary bicycle, take it outside. Exercises like swimming, running, cycling are all great. Keep it interesting and you’ll see better results.
Add apple cider vinegar to your diet
Apple cider vinegar has numerous health benefits, but it is also great when it comes to burning fat and regulating blood sugar levels. 1 tbs a day should be enough to exploit all of its benefits. If you find it revolting to drink on its own, you can dissolve it in water, or add it to your salad.
Consider intermittent fasting
If you got more fat to shed, you should think about intermittent fasting. On and off fasting can help you lose a significant amount of fat, however, you’ll just add to your hunger. While it might be something to try, to improve your overall health and burn some fat, it can starve your body of essential vitamins and minerals. If this is something you’re considering, make sure you only follow it for short periods.
Keep your discipline
During this period you’re going to be tempted in different ways. Whether it’s food, alcohol, or something sweet, you must stand your ground to keep calorie deficit. Even though sharing a pizza with your friends is fun, you still shouldn’t do it if you want to reach a tangible result. However, you can give yourself some slack from time to time, and go for a cheat meal.
Schedule a cheat meal
A cheat meal can be something delicious and fattening, but it must be moderate in proportion. So any food like burger, pizza, lasagna, donuts, etc., is fair, as long as you don’t fill up on it. When it comes to cheat meal schedule, Sunday is an ideal day since you’ll be fresh and ready for the next week. It is acceptable only once a week, and only for one meal, if you do it more, you can forget about cutting calories.
Keep track of your progress
Weigh yourself regularly and measure your body fat percentage. It is essential to do both of these things if you want to be successful. If you notice a decline in fat loss, you need to adjust. This adjustment usually comes in the reduction of carbs.
Shredding diet menu

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Day 1
First meal
You can start with 80g of oatmeal made with water. To make it tastier you can add up to 100g of fruit, frozen or fresh. If you want to make it more protein-rich, add a 1/2 dose of whey protein. Add two whole eggs to the combination.
Second meal
Tuna salad made from 90g of whole-grain pasta, can of tuna, 2 tbs of low-fat mayo, and some leafy greens like lettuce.
Third meal
The third meal should consist of 2 cups of fat-free Greek yogurt, 30g of almonds and 100g of fresh fruit. To improve the taste you can sweeten it with honey.
Fourth meal
Prepare 250g of sweet potatoes with the addition of 50g of fresh vegetables and 250g of chicken breast. Cook all in one pot until done. To improve on taste season with herbs, or salt. You can also use the low-calorie sauce to your liking.
Fifth meal
Omelet made from 100g of turkey or ham, and 4 eggs. Also, add vegetables to your wishing like mushrooms.
Fat: 70g, Carbs: 300g, Protein: 240g, Calories: 2700
Day 2
First meal
The first dish in the first meal should consist of half of cup of oatmeal made with water and 1/2 cup of strawberries. The second dish is scrambled eggs made from seven egg-whites and one yolk.
Second meal
The second meal should consist of 250g of grilled chicken breast with a cup of green vegetables.
Third meal
For the third meal, you can eat 250g of sliced turkey, a cup of vegetables, and one large baked potato.
Fourth meal
Protein shake made with 40g of whey and a cup of berries.
Fifth meal
For your last meal of the day you can eat 200g of any lean meat with a cup of green veggies.
Fat: 30g, Carbs: 120g, Protein: 260g, Calories: 1900
Day 3
First meal
Make half of the cup of oatmeal with water and add the same amount of fresh or frozen fruit. Prepare scrambled eggs with 6 egg-whites and one yolk.
Second meal
Prepare 250g of lean beef with a cup of vegetables.
Third meal
Make a tuna sandwich with 30g of tuna, 2 slices of whole-grain bread, one tablespoon of low-fat mayo, and some lettuce.
Fourth meal
Prepare a protein shake with 45g of whey.
Fifth meal
Prepare a chicken salad from 250g of grilled chicken two tablespoons of low-fat dressing, half of the tomato, some lettuce, and broccoli.
Fat: 40g, Carbs: 100g, Protein: 260g, Calories: 1850
Day 4
First meal
Eat a bagel with low-fat peanut, or almond butter, and 3 eggs.
Second meal
Prepare one cup of brown rice with a cup of green veggies, and 200g of chicken breast.
Third meal
Cook a 200g lean pork steak with a cup of vegetables.
Fourth meal
Cook 250g of sweet potatoes, with the same amount of chicken breast.
Fifth meal
Grill 250g of fish and combine with a cup of broccoli.
Fat: 40g, Carbs: 160g, Protein: 260g, Calories: 2000
Day 5
First meal
Make half of cup of oatmeal with water, scrambled eggs from six egg-whites and one yolk, and one whole fruit to the combination.
Second meal
Grill a 250g of chicken breast and add a cup of veggies to it.
Third meal
Bake a large potato with skin, grill 200g steak of any lean meat and add a cup of veggies to it.
Fourth meal
Grab a low-carbohydrate, low-sugar protein bar.
Fifth meal
Omelet made from 7 egg-whites, one-yolk, a cup of broccoli, and 3 mushrooms.
Fat: 35g, Carbs: 150g, Protein: 230g, Calories: 1900

Photo credit: Pexels
Post-workout meal
The post-workout meal should consist of quick-digesting protein, like whey protein, and a bowl of oatmeal squares, or something equivalent.
The shredding diet might not offer many benefits, but it is not supposed to. Main benefit of this diet is a reduction in body fat, and if you follow it meticulously, you’re guaranteed to achieve wanted results.
The main drawback of this diet is perpetual hunger. The good workout requires a good meal afterward, and that is most evident during the shredding process. While these meals offer your body basic nutrition, it is not abundant in any way. So prepare to be hungry most of the time.
Expected results
Some of the bigger men can lose up to five pounds a week, but the more realistic result is close to two or three pounds. This might seem excessive to some when it comes to losing fat, but it is not since you’ll gradually gain most of that weight back when you discontinue this regime.